3 years

to 5 years

Kindergarten is a gateway through which your child passes into school life. It provides a learning environment designed to stimulate curiosity and develop a passion for learning. At Hansel & Gretel, we provide a rich learning environment with engaging curriculum, experiential learning techniques, and comprehensive social and emotional development to prepare your child for the future. We have a strong commitment to meeting your child’s academic, social, and emotional needs based on their individual personality.

Our approach to teaching utilizes the time-tested Montessori principles of seeing children as unique individuals and creating environments which foster the fulfillment of their highest potential - intellectual, emotional, and physical.

Our curriculum is always up-to-date and dynamic because observation and the meeting of needs are continual and specific for each child. When physical, mental, social, and emotional needs are met children glow with excitement and a drive to play and work with enthusiasm, to learn, and to create.

The high level of academic achievement so common in a Montessori environment is a natural outcome of experience in such a supportive environment. We focus on specific areas of readiness including:

Oral Language Development:

• Vocabulary

• Dramatization

• Social expression

Academic Development:

• Science

• Mathematics

• Art and Music

• Phonics

• Reading and Verbal Skills